The Sky Today, November 24, 2021

At 7:36 a.m.: Mercury enters Sagittarius

In the morning, Mercury leaves behind the inquisitive territory of Scorpio to ingress into expansive Sagittarius. Optimism governs our interactions, but a preoccupation with the big picture can muddle the details here. Conversations wax philosophical and we are more amendable to exploring foreign perspectives and beliefs. However, under the shadow side of this influence, we become entrenched in our own myopic worldview, deluding ourselves into believing we have all the answers. Preachiness is almost always a turnoff. We do ourselves and others a disservice when we refuse to climb down off our soapbox.

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At 7:59 a.m.: The moon enters Leo, and the moon void of course ends

Following Mercury’s ingress, the moon enters Leo, ending its void of course which began last night. Over the next two days, we desire attention and ease of self-expression. To this end, we are less averse to stirring up a little harmless drama to grab our audience’s attention. This lunar phase amplifies the needs of our inner child, so permit yourself to play, have fun, and take yourself a little less seriously.

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