The Sky Today, November 22, 2021

At 1:19 p.m.: The moon is square Chiron

The cosmic tide is quiet today until the Cancer moon squares off with Chiron in Aries in the early afternoon, stimulating anxieties. Family dynamics are a particular source of insecurity. We feel as though we are a child again, angling for the approval of a parental figure who will validate our efforts. Others are unwilling to get caught in our emotional riptide, and in absence of support, we are all too eager to resort to self-pity. We can waste much of our energy on projections today, when perhaps it would be better for us to look back to the past to identify the origins of wounding patterns. This is not to re-traumatize ourselves, but to acknowledge how far we have come. When we recognize that we can keep ourselves safe, we can acknowledge the strength of our inner child.

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At 7:59 p.m.: The moon is sextile Uranus

After nightfall, the moon forms a sextile to Uranus in Taurus, an aspect of enlightenment! When we conceive of a memory, it can be like watching a film that we’ve seen a million times. We remember the sting of an event, the emotion of an encounter, the punchline of the plot. But rarely do we dive back into our memory vaults to witness what was happening in the background, who else was on the periphery of the scene, or what else was transpiring in the moment that we never paid attention to. At this time, it is as if we are given this gift of hindsight. Locked within moments that we thought we knew intimately, there are hidden details that help us recontextualize how we respond and act in the present.

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