The Sky Today, November 10, 2021

At 4:57 a.m.: Mercury is conjunct Mars

In the morning, Mercury aligns with Mars in Scorpio, setting the stage for disagreements. We define our identity by our ideas, and those who do not fundamentally agree with us can be written off as threats before we allow them a chance to explain themselves. Because we are thinking quickly, we are also rationalizing the empty space between conversations and interactions. Impulsiveness breeds errors in judgement and causes us to use our words as weapons against people who have no desire to argue with us. In Scorpionic territory, we can also be quick to come to conclusions about “evidence” we have dredged up or information that has been exposed. Our intuition is actually quite good now, but there are missing pieces of the puzzle, which can only be retrieved by listening.

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At 9:04 a.m.: Mercury is square Saturn

Mercury then squares off with Saturn in Aquarius. On the heels of regrettable words spoken or actions taken earlier in the day, we now find ourselves isolated. This can be a productive time for working alone if we can manage to concentrate, but our thoughts are likely to be with those who we are ostracized from. We believe that if we could only clarify our points, we could really get our message across, but unfortunately, these attempts will only dig ourselves a bigger hole, as we are still communicating with winning in mind.

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