The Sky Today, May 9, 2022

At 5:39 a.m.: The moon is opposite Saturn, and the moon void of course begins

In the morning, the Leo moon opposes Saturn in Aquarius, dampening our spirits. Others fail to give us our due, excluding us from social situations. Perhaps our friends or colleagues are unable to see how our talents could benefit the group, or we are otherwise prevented from participating due to ill-will. On a more mundane level, we could be physically distanced from our communities now. Naturally, loneliness can weigh on our hearts, but we will do little to ingratiate ourselves to others by dredging up drama or adopting a “woe is me” approach to the issue at hand. If we really want to show our stuff, we are better off assessing our attitude. Remember, you do not have to be “for everyone at all times. The moon begins its void of course following this aspect, lasting until the late afternoon. Instead of airing grievances or blaming others for wounding our pride, we might determine where our gifts and talents will make the most impact.

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At 3:53 p.m.: The moon enters Virgo, and the moon void of course ends

In the late afternoon, the moon enters Virgo, ending its void of course. Over the next two days, our emotional terrain is governed by logic and precision. We feel our best when our routines are fleshed out. This way, we can manage tasks without succumbing to overwhelm. While this impulse to organize can help us streamline our daily lives and handle our business efficiently, life often proves unpredictable. If we are unable to rise to the occasion at a moment’s notice, we should remind ourselves that we are doing the best we can under the circumstances. Discernment will get us everywhere, but over-analysis can devolve into tunnel-vision.

What does your moon sign mean? Learn more about your emotional world with a Moon Sign Reading! 🌙