The Sky Today, May 6, 2023

At 7:38 a.m.: The moon is trine Neptune, and the moon void of course begins

In the morning, the Scorpio moon forms a trine with Neptune in Pisces, kicking off the day on an easygoing note. Being in tune with our emotional depths stimulates our artistic faculties. We can exorcise our feelings by releasing them onto the canvas or page. Because we have more compassion for ourselves now, we also have more compassion for others. We may form fast bonds with those who share our creative and spiritual passions.  The moon enters a void period following this aspect’s perfection, which will last until noon. Take the morning slowly. 

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At 12:27 p.m.: Ceres goes direct in Virgo

After noon, asteroid Ceres stations direct in Virgo, having been in retrograde motion since February 3. The goddess asteroid of sacred nurturance is transiting territory it last visited on November 28, 2022. Think back to this time to make personal connections.  Over the past few months, we’ve been impeded from giving others the kind of support they need. This may have caused us to feel incompetent and useless. However, we’ve also been forced to think more considerately about our role as a caretaker and providers.  We want the best for others, but sometimes our way is not the best way. No matter how many facts and figures we use to explain our logic, providing unasked opinions and advice could make a situation more stressful! This is obviously the opposite of our intent. Now that we’ve reevaluated the energy we’re bringing to dynamics with loved ones, we can better show up for those who need us.  

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