The Sky Today, May 5, 2023

At 8:34 a.m.: Mercury is conjunct Vesta

In the morning, retrograde Mercury aligns with asteroid Vesta, encouraging us to review our mission statement. What is our true purpose? Are we speaking up about it? Advocating for a vision, especially one we regard as sacred, can feel dicey. We worry about being judged or criticized. We fear that our ideas will be misconstrued or taken out of context.  Currently, commit to being more intentional with your words, as they are a devotional tool. If your current work is inauthentic to who you are, take this chance to course correct. If your mission does feel authentic, consider how to communicate your message in a new way. 

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At 10:34 a.m.: The moon is opposite the sun

Today’s wake-up call may have aftershocks. Late in the morning, the Scorpio lunar eclipse stimulates truly shocking events! Eclipses tend to catalyze massive collective awakenings. And this full moon lunar eclipse moon, in particular, opposes change-maker Uranus, provoking even greater upheavals in our individual psyches.  In Scorpio, certain truths are brought to light. Secrets, traumas, and turbulent memories are exposed in the interest of healing and reclaiming our power. We have a choice now: to perpetuate old fears or to walk away from past hurts with a clear conscience. Once and for all, we must put extremes to bed. We must stop feeding fear oxygen.  The lunar eclipse opposes retrograde Mercury, provoking emotional agitation during an already anxious eclipse season. Today and tomorrow, make sure you are drinking plenty of water, getting enough sleep, and delaying making critical decisions until the dust has settled and the collective mood has calmed.  The moon also trines Mars in Cancer, intimating that we must fight our battles by gut instinct. Can we separate intuition from anxiety? Can we recognize gaslighting or manipulation tactics? Will we refuse to cede our power to individuals who weaponize our emotions against us? Alarming or unsettling information will continue to trickle in the months ahead. In life, love, and work, refuse to settle for less than you deserve. 

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