The Sky Today, May 4, 2022

At 04:51 AM: The moon is trine Saturn

In the morning, the moon forms a trine to Saturn in Aquarius. Sensible Saturn provides a check to enthusiastic Gemini moon sensibilities, which might ordinarily have us lacking the patience to see our ideas through to fruition. Meanwhile, the moon enlivens Saturnian stoicism, mitigating the risk of dutifully going through the motions of our responsibilities without any sense of levity. At this time, we see problems from different angles, able to innovate when we run into roadblocks. We should also have an easier time relating to superiors, as they will find our deviation from tradition less of a threat.

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At 05:16 AM: The moon is square Neptune

Following this aspect, the moon squares off with Neptune in Pisces, stirring up confusion. We could fail to fact-check, content to take a good idea and run with it despite the potential for self-sabotage. Instead, we might use this aspect for creative work that doesn’t hinge on delivering a failsafe final product. It can also be an ideal influence for holding space for those who come to us with problems. Although we might not be able to offer sound advice by providing an open ear and asking the right questions, we allow them to come to conclusions on their own.

What does the moon say about your emotional nature? Master your emotions with a Natal Moon Report!