The Sky Today, May 31, 2022

At 1:10 p.m.: The moon is square Neptune

The cosmic weather is quiet today until the Gemini moon squares off with Neptune in Pisces in the early afternoon, stimulating sensitivities. Frustrations arise as we seek to make sense of confusing events or interactions. It will be hard to get a read on what people are thinking, and our inability to “reach” others can stimulate self-doubt, causing us to question what we really know. Instead of trying to nail down contracts or agendas, which will only create further irritation, we should use this time for fun, entertainment, or idle research. This is an ideal transit for going down an internet wormhole, watching mindless television, or getting lost in a good book. 

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At 1:10 p.m.: The moon is trine Saturn, and the moon void of course begins

At almost the same moment, the moon trines Saturn in Aquarius, provoking a curious mix of energies during the moon-Neptune square. This transit provides extra patience for dealing with any confusion that currently crops up. It also suggests that we can use common-sense reasoning to extricate ourselves from our problems.  This is true, however, the common-sense approach for this particular scenario is to allow ourselves to feel our feelings rather than hide from them, which might seem counterproductive to Saturn’s propensity for aloofness. The blend of these two aspects offers us a new outlook on the past, helping us to reframe nostalgia or traditions through a more adult lens.  The moon then falls into a void lasting until after nightfall, advising we use this influence to relax, get quiet within ourselves, and attend to self-work.  

What do the planets say about your love life? Receive cosmic advice with your Daily Love Horoscope.