The Sky Today, May 26, 2022

At 2:06 p.m.: The moon is sextile Saturn

Mid-afternoon, the moon sextiles Saturn in Aquarius, providing us with emotional fortitude to complete tasks and chores. Under the Aries moon, we tend to start projects as quickly as we abandon them. We believe it is better to jump into the fray than to waste time planning.  Saturn provides a helpful check here, offering patience to balance our impulsiveness. We become more focused and less distracted by our desires to socialize. This is a good time to get advice from older or more experienced people who we respect, perhaps those who have taken on a mentorship role. Thinking outside the box benefits us now.

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At 8:20 p.m.: The moon is square Pluto, and the moon void of course begins

After nightfall, the moon squares off with Pluto in Capricorn, exposing repressed feelings. We might feel that we are at the mercy of those in positions of power. It is easy to think of ourselves as the “little guy;” the hero fighting against corrupt leaders or institutions.  However, it may be wise to see where we are engaging in unfair gameplay, acting as the bully, or behaving childishly when we are not getting our way. Instead of considering ourselves at odds with others, we might get honest with ourselves: we really want what they have. By acknowledging this, we can break free of revenge fantasies.

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