The Sky Today, May 23, 2022

At 4:05 a.m.: The sun is sextile Jupiter

In the morning, the Gemini sun sextiles Jupiter in Aries, offering good fortune. This is one of astrology’s most auspicious aspects, guaranteeing feelings of ease and well-being. Our exchanges and conversations today will help us to grow as people, making us magnets for positive experiences. We might obtain promotions, lucky correspondence, or travel opportunities.  The best part of this influence is that by embodying our most optimistic selves, we engender a new awareness of our spiritual side. This opens us up to a deeper sense of interconnectedness, whether with our neighbors, communities, or the universe as a whole. Support engenders support. Receiving makes us eager to pay our luck forward. 

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At 12:54 p.m.: The moon is sextile Uranus

After noon, the Pisces moon sextiles Uranus in Taurus, helping us to experience magic! This serendipitous connection perpetuates the day’s good vibes, placing us in contact with the numinous.  Those who come into our lives now can show us new ways of seeing the world. We might receive creative or artistic visions or utilize astrology or Tarot to address important issues. Above all, trust your instincts and intuition at this time. Deviating from our standard routines can shift our lives in opportune directions. 

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