The Sky Today, May 21, 2023

At 12:09 a.m.: The sun enters Gemini

Just after midnight, the sun enters Gemini, the sign of the Twins. Taurus season ordinarily provides a bit of an energetic respite in between Aries and Gemini, two active, high-energy signs. But we didn’t really get a taste of that this time around, given eclipse season and Mercury’s retrograde spin.  As such, we might now feel like the pace has ticked up another notch while we struggle to catch our breath! It’s very likely that we will be busy in the coming month, whether with correspondence or social calls. Fortunately, we’ll have the mental bandwidth to manage whatever is thrown our way now. We might even come to think of this accelerated pace as a new normal, like we’re living life on a .25 playback speed!  At this time, follow the trail of what excites and inspires you. A hobby or creative interest could preoccupy your attention. New friends lead to new adventures and outings. We could even discover a new direction post-eclipse season to replace a mission that recently fell by the wayside. 

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At 6:58 a.m.: The sun is trine Pluto

Around sun-up, the sun trines Pluto in Aquarius, affirming that yes, new cosmic energy has arrived, and it will change us for the better! Although the Gemini sun is a lighthearted placement, its harmonious interaction with the planet of depth psychology intimates that we’re transforming from the inside out.  What do you want to explore? What topics have suddenly grabbed your attention? What do you plan to do with the realizations you’re coming into? We have the power to begin creating positive change in our lives. No one else has control over our destiny. Release any conditions that are not facilitating your evolution. Invite in strength and self-mastery.   

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