The Sky Today, May 21, 2022

At 7:04 a.m.: The moon is sextile Chiron

In the morning, the Aquarius moon sextiles Chiron in Aries, offering healing. Today, we find organic solutions to our problems. Rather than viewing past wounds as perpetual burdens, we advance through stale trauma. Perhaps a conversation with a friend will offer us perspective, suddenly making insights click. Perhaps we will witness a situation within our community that unlocks a hidden hack. Whatever the case, the pain which we have previously allowed to dominate us won’t seem so immediate.

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At 8:16 a.m.: The moon is square Uranus

Following this, the moon squares off with Uranus in Taurus, provoking conflict. We feel restless and impatient, desirous of being somewhere other than where we are. We believe we should be “further along” in some arena. Yet we are bumping up against realities of our environment, our resources, or conflicts within our own value systems that impede our progress.  Although it is tempting to take dramatic action to break free from discomfort, we are better off making as few moves as possible. The cosmic weather is erratic, and change will find us without us egging it on.

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