The Sky Today, May 18, 2022

At 05:02 AM: The moon enters Capricorn, and the moon void of course ends

In the morning, the moon enters Capricorn, ending its void of course, which began last night. Over the next two days, we are content to put our heads down and make steady, deliberate progress towards our goals. On an emotional level, a fixation with optical victory can have us behaving somewhat serious and sober. We might come off as cold to others, however, it is not that we are unfeeling now. We simply understand the work required to achieve our ambitions and are undaunted by distractions. Remember that there are ways to plod conscientiously towards success without making life into one endless chore.

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At 07:21 AM: The moon is square Jupiter

Shortly following this, the moon squares off with Jupiter in Aries, making us prone to excess. Today, we are interested in forming the social connections that will enable us to accomplish our desired agenda. It can be a time of glad-handing and talking up our leadership qualities so others might invest in us. Because we’ve realistically communicated our capabilities, it is unlikely that we’ll have to deal with the backlash of overselling ourselves. What we may have to negotiate is others’ perception that our enterprise or vision is farther along than it is. Receiving improper support, support that is too disproportionate for us to take advantage of immediately, can create issues down the line. It is better to be very direct about where we are in our process of building a legacy so that it can be properly facilitated. Otherwise, we might end up with more resources than we can actually put to use.

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