The Sky Today, May 14, 2022

At 1:07 a.m.: The moon is square Pluto, and the moon void of course begins

After midnight, the Libra moon squares off with Pluto in Capricorn before entering a short two-hour void period. Many of us will be asleep at this hour, and our dreams may be those where we are preoccupied with some form of injustice. Our subconscious may reveal ways in which we must disturb the peace for the greater good. Conversely, it could suggest we be on our best behavior to avoid poking the wasp’s nest. The beauty of these reflections is that no matter what is dredged up in our mind’s eye, the ball of decision-making is still firmly in our court. Even when faced with seemingly insurmountable challenges, we have free will at our disposal.

What do the planets say about your love life? Receive cosmic advice with your Daily Love Horoscope.

At 3:34 a.m.: The moon enters Scorpio, and the moon void of course ends

In the pre-dawn hours, the moon exits its short void to enter Scorpio. Over the next two days, we are concerned with what is transpiring behind the scenes. We skew towards depth and intensity in our thought processes, which can cause us to come off as brooding. Secrets, obsessions, and jealousies play a role as well, so be mindful of where you allow your attention to wander. We are predisposed to probe our inner workings, but there is such a thing as walking too far into a cave without proper supplies.

Are you meant to be? Find out with our Love Compatibility Report!