The Sky Today, March 8, 2022

At 6:04 a.m.: The moon is square Mercury

In the morning, the Taurus moon squares off with Mercury in Aquarius, starting the day on a moody note. We may simply want to stay in bed and avoid disquieting discussions or conversations that await us outside our door. Our wish is to remain in our physical and intellectual comfort zone. If pitched ideas that are too far afield of our preferences, we’re likely to react with agitation or annoyance. Use the morning for solo projects or research instead of preaching your perspective.

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At 6:35 a.m.: The moon is trine Pluto, and the moon void of course begins

Shortly following this, the moon trines Pluto. We now better understand the motives underlying our behaviors, and why comfort is currently so critical to us. Although we may not want to change our minds, we appreciate which matters to address and which to leave alone. This is an ideal transit for self-work and shadow work. Revelations will be enlightening rather than overwhelming. The moon enters its void of course following this transit, so continue any work already in progress.

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