The Sky Today, March 26, 2023

At 4:03 a.m.: The moon is sextile the sun

In the morning, the Gemini moon sextiles the Aries sun, stimulating positive vibes. We kick the day off on the right foot, feeling confident in our choices. We can harness this influence for just about any activity, from completing business objectives and furthering relationships, to undertaking personal development. The worst thing we can do with this auspicious aspect is failing to utilize it, so get up and greet the morning instead of sleeping in! 

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At 11:58 a.m.: Mercury is conjunct Chiron

However, just before noon, Mercury and Chiron align in Aries, causing us to doubt our communication abilities. In the past, others’ criticisms hurt our feelings, making us reticent to assert ourselves or speak our minds. We may even have been chastised for a speech impediment. As a result, we’ve become especially conscience of how we express ourselves. Despite this, important lessons have been learned. We are wise to be somewhat self-restrained. If we say everything that popped into our heads, we risk injuring others’ confidence in the same way that ours was in the past!  We know how it feels to be belittled or put down. Because of our wound, we have not created additional collateral damage through thoughtless behavior. This is a good day for psychological self-evaluation, considering ways to rewire self-condemnation and replace it with courage. 

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