The Sky Today, March 22, 2022

At 9:01 a.m.: The moon is sextile Pluto, and the moon void of course begins

In the morning, the Scorpio moon sextiles Pluto in Capricorn, helping us to eliminate negative habits. It can be difficult to identify our limiting patterns, and an even greater challenge to break chains that lock us in cycles of stress and fear. We now recognize that our behaviors are the true source of our imprisonment, and that no one has the power to keep us stuck but ourselves. The moon then enters a void period lasting three hours, providing a chance to calibrate to newfound self-awareness.

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At 11:59 a.m.: The moon enters Sagittarius, and the moon void of course ends

Just before noon, the moon enters Sagittarius, ending its void of course. Over the next two days, we are excited to expand our horizons. We want to roam and explore! If we are stuck at a desk or forced to do detailed work, it can feel a bit like we are in captivity. However, we don’t need to physically travel at this time. The Sagittarius moon offers opportunities to discover something new through remote learning or chatting with those with foreign perspectives. We can even begin to plan an adventure or spec out a travel itinerary for a later time.

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