The Sky Today, March 21, 2022

At 9:34 a.m.: The moon is square Venus

In the morning, the Scorpio moon squares Venus in Aquarius, stirring up intense emotions. We find ourselves instigating conflict in the hope that it will prompt others to “prove” their loyalty to us. This influence causes us to perceive slights where there are none. We may moodily ghost engagements because we’ve hurt our own feelings! Our icy attitude can push away the people that we want around us the most. Fortunately, this transit will not last long, so avoid acting in needlessly defensive ways. Attempting to guilt-trip others will only perpetuate our isolation.

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At 2:00 p.m.: Mars is sextile Chiron

Mid-afternoon, Mars sextiles Chiron in Aries, motivating us to succeed. Although we may be apprehensive to pursue our goals, Mars in Aquarius helps us to detach from past anxieties and start thinking more considerately about our future. Change begins in the now. At this time, we realize that we are never truly acting “alone.” We have friends and networks that support us. We have skills that we’ve built under the direction of our communities. We subsequently feel more secure in striking out independently to champion a unique pursuit. Today, we find that past challenges have equipped us to handle the current moment intelligently.

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