The Sky Today, June 6, 2022

At 1:44 a.m.: The sun is sextile Chiron

After midnight, the Gemini sun sextiles Chiron in Aries, allowing us to attend to our personal healing. We interrogate past wounds, shifting how we deal with pain. Today, we may encounter those who have faced similar struggles. By talking them through their hurt, we gift them the confidence to stand in their personal power.  Conversation engenders catharsis. Sometimes, it just takes feeling seen to absolve ourselves of guilt or self-deprecating beliefs. When we witness another, we realize that the advice we provide is also something that we can benefit from. 

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At 2:22 a.m.: Pallas is conjunct Uranus

In the pre-dawn hours, Pallas aligns with Uranus in Taurus, helping us to access higher intelligence. This is an aspect of breakthroughs. We find holistic ways of strategizing that resonate with our intuition and instincts. Discovery might come through technological means. Alternatively, we might reconnect with the earth itself (the original technology).  At this time, our definition of truth shifts. Reality, as a construct, determines most of our biases. It locks us into patterns that cause us to repeatedly approach our problems the same way. Now, our willingness to be flexible alters our understanding of our place in the world. This influence reconfigures our personal matrix, so we can begin working within the correct mythopoetic programming. 

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