The Sky Today, June 3, 2022

At 01:00 AM: Mercury goes direct in Taurus

After midnight, Mercury stations direct in Taurus, having been in retrograde motion since May 10. As the messenger planet moved backward from Gemini to Taurus, we were encouraged to reassess themes of communication and self-worth. Consider how the past few weeks have highlighted relational mishaps. Embarrassments have served to reframe how we conduct conversations, learn information, or engage in self-discovery.  Mercury’s forward movement now allows us to course-correct misunderstandings and return to the table with a fresh perspective. Mercury will exit its post-retrograde shadow on June 18.

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At 08:15 AM: The moon is opposite Pluto, and the moon void of course begins

In the morning, the Cancer moon opposes Pluto in Capricorn, destabilizing us emotionally. Our fears run the show as we observe that our needs aren’t being met. We might withdraw from the world or, conversely, show up with all our feelings on display (the dichotomy of the crab). Mood swings, anxieties, or jealousies make it impossible to make decisions from a rational place.  The moon enters its void following this aspect, suggesting that we avoid starting projects, or they could be imbued with the energy of conflict.

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