The Sky Today, June 14, 2022

At 4:52 a.m.: The moon is opposite the sun

In the morning, the Sagittarius full moon signals the culmination of intentions set during the May 30 Gemini new moon. Over the past two weeks, we have allowed curiosity to guide our choices, opening ourselves up to new ideas, experiences, and relationships, However, at this time we must begin making sense of what all this newness means to us. This is a lunation of definition, of delineating our future path. It might seem that certain doors begin to shut, preventing us from traveling down roads that are unhealthy for our ultimate evolution. Our spiritual, philosophical, and moral opinions come into sharper focus. Above all, we seek freedom. The moon sextiles Saturn, inspiring us to see our path as a responsibility, not a flippant election. We are offered patience to meet our future to the best of our abilities.  Yet the moon also squares Neptune, stimulating confusion. We should be wary of comparing our journey to another’s now. Advice, whether from friends, spiritual advisors, or even the media, can place us into analysis paralysis. One person’s good ideas have no bearing on what will work for you. Detach from the projection that there is a specific set of directions to follow to achieve a mess-free self-actualization.

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At 3:14 p.m.: The moon enters Capricorn, and the moon void of course ends

Mid-afternoon, the moon enters Capricorn, ending its void of course which began after the moon squared Neptune.  Over the next two days, we are cautious in how we conduct our affairs and manage our resources. We want to create a legacy, which is apropos coming off the enthusiastic energy of the Sagittarius full moon. This is a time for looking towards the future and determining the long-term steps that will allow us to realize our goals. We might be more serious under this moon, but that is because we have our eyes on the prize.

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