The Sky Today, July 23, 2022

At 1:07 a.m.: Pallas is sextile Jupiter

In the pre-dawn hours, Pallas in Gemini forms a sextile to Jupiter in Aries, helping us to creatively strategize. This is a great influence for community engagement or rallying others around a cause.  By bringing diverse perspectives together, we can develop a tactical approach that works for all involved. This may be a time for signing contracts, establishing verbal agreements, or brainstorming actionable solutions to address issues within our larger networks. Success is all but guaranteed.

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At 10:26 a.m.: Ceres enters Leo

Mid-morning, Ceres, the goddess asteroid of nurturance, enters Leo, where it will transit until September 29 of this year. At this time, we care for others by supporting their inner child. This could mean encouraging another’s vision or artistic dreams. It might involve creating a platform for them to share their voice instead of shying away from the spotlight.  However, children can sometimes be petulant, desirous of prizes that they have not earned. We risk providing those we love with gold stars or trophies when their actions or behavior have not merited credit.  The downside is we may nurture another’s arrogance or vanity by mistake. On the upside, this transit nurtures healthy ego drives. We can inspire those down on their luck to believe in themselves and tap into greater joy.   

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