The Sky Today, July 21, 2022

At 9:05 a.m.: The moon is conjunct Mars

In the morning, the Taurus moon conjuncts Mars, offering bravery. Because we associate our safety and comfort with the ability to pursue our passions, we’re highly motivated to get our way now.  Attempts to silence or stall our agenda will be construed as a threat to our agency. We might perceive aggressors where there are none, however, we can use this influence to stand up for ourselves if we are being bullied or harassed. We can also use it to draw no-nonsense boundaries with others instead of resorting to antagonism. 

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At 11:14 a.m.: The moon is conjunct Uranus

Before noon, the moon aligns with Uranus, making us impulsive.  This influence compounds the moon-Mars conjunction, provoking a strong urge to act on instinct and follow intuitive hunches. We could be inspired to utilize our resources differently to capitalize on an investment strategy.  Bold moves might confuse those closest to us, but switching up our normal routines is likely to work in our favor. Freedom is especially important to us now. We should simply be mindful to make decisions with integrity, not ones purely for shock value or to scratch a contrarian itch.

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