The Sky Today, July 16, 2022

At 1:18 a.m.: The moon enters Pisces, and the moon void of course ends

In the pre-dawn hours, the moon enters Pisces, ending its void of course. The next two days are nostalgic. Our intuition and imagination can transport us to fantastic places in our mind’s eye, revving up our creative juices or connecting us more deeply to our spiritual center.  Just be mindful not to submit to numbing vices, as some of us may choose to daydream to dissociate from the complexity of reality. If you are stressed, sound and vibrations can be healing. Taking a walk in nature can also brighten the senses. Showers and baths are great ways to clear dense energies and return you to a place of calm and relaxation. 

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At 12:38 p.m.: The sun is conjunct Mercury

After noon, the sun and Mercury align in their superior conjunction. While Mercury’s signal-sending and receiving abilities are seen as debilitated while it is under the powerful beams of the sun, these two will create a “cazimi” for several hours, during which time important insights are transmitted from the beyond.   In the sign of Cancer, these messages may regard family dynamics, ancestry, or lineage, or they may speak to our defense mechanisms and how we go about defining our sense of safety and security. While we are integrating new awareness, we might have an easier time communicating on an emotional level. Nevertheless, today promises to be busy for networking, socializing, or decision-making.

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