The Sky Today, January 1, 2022

At 12:16 a.m.: The moon is square Neptune, and the moon void of course begins

After midnight, the Sagittarius moon squares Neptune in Pisces, inclining us to self-delusion. The closer we get to the start of something new, the more anxious we can become. We may make excuses for why we can’t change or convince ourselves that our plans are impractical. We are in the midst of the balsamic moon (a period of release), and the beginning of a void of course moon (suggesting stillness over action), so try not to think too hard about the what-ifs. This moment favors seeking out frivolous entertainment, even distraction, as well as connecting with others in a compassionate way. Neptunian inebriation is fitting symbolism for ringing in the new year!

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At 3:02 p.m.: The moon enters Capricorn, and the moon void of course ends

Mid-afternoon, the moon enters Capricorn, ending its void of course. We might be shaking off the exhaustion of Sagittarius moon midnight escapades, resolving to “get serious” as we embrace the year ahead. Tomorrow’s new moon is one for setting intentions and resolutions. Today, we can begin to consciously consider how we want our lives to look in 2022, not by visualizing what we want, but by deliberately declaring what situations we refuse to export out of 2021. Start thinking about what success means to you and avoid allowing others’ intentions to put you into comparison paralysis. The only person you are competing with is yourself.

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