The Sky Today, February 27, 2022

At 6:49 a.m.: The moon is conjunct Pluto, and the moon void of course begins

In the morning, the Capricorn moon aligns with Pluto, stimulating intense emotions. Our choices are being governed by unconscious impulses, fears, and phobias—and we risk behaving destructively within our relationships. Manipulation tactics will ultimately backfire, alienating those who we want to have on our team. Ask yourself whether you are operating from a place of personal empowerment, or if you are trying to maintain dominance in an imaginary hierarchy. The moon falls into a void following this aspect’s perfection lasting about four hours. Use this time to attempt to better understand your inner workings and curb obsessive tendencies.

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At 10:36 a.m.: The moon enters Aquarius, and the moon void of course ends

Mid-morning, the moon makes its ingress into Aquarius, ending its void of course. We are now entering the moon’s balsamic phase in its run-up to the Pisces new moon. The next two days are a time for digestion and stillness. We are creating optimal conditions to make ourselves receptive to cosmic messages. Be mindful of urges to act out of character or provoke change. There is no need to rush to see new concepts implemented. The greatest insights can be accessed when we are free of the pressure of expectation.

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