The Sky Today, February 12, 2022

At 11:07 a.m.: The moon is square Chiron

In the late morning, the Cancer moon squares Chiron in Aries, stimulating events that poke at unresolved wounds. A tense encounter with a family member or loved one reminds us of past situations where we did not feel safe exposing our authentic personalities. We might be prompted to lash out, to wound another “in self-defense.” However, be mindful that we are likely fighting the present from our memory of the past. If we want our future to look different, we must meet our pain where it is—in the now. We can neutralize anxieties if we conduct ourselves differently. We have a choice!

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At 11:35 a.m.: The moon is trine Jupiter

Shortly following this, the moon trines Jupiter in Pisces, prompting open and honest exchanges. The first step in resolving past traumas might be allowing ourselves to be vulnerable with others, and to engage from a space of compassion. What feelings and emotions do we wish to have mirrored back to us? Receptivity, generosity, and philanthropy are good guiding principles at this time. We remember that what we have in common with others is greater than what separates us ideologically.

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