The Sky Today, December 9, 2021

At 12:53 a.m.: The moon is conjunct Jupiter

Just after midnight, the Aquarius moon aligns with Jupiter, engendering generosity. Because many of us will be asleep at this hour, our dreams may involve philanthropic scenarios where we help those less fortunate than us. Conversely, we could be on the receiving end of others’ goodwill, subconsciously enlightening us to real-life scenarios where we have been taking something or someone for granted. Upon waking, we may be prompted to pursue novel educational experiences or to become involved in charity work.

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At 2:00 a.m.: The moon is square Mars, and the moon void of course begins

An hour later, the moon squares off with Mars in Scorpio, inspiring us to wake up early and seize the day. However, we should be mindful of the urge to make the day “bend to our will” no matter the obstacles or the cost. This transit can make us single-minded and potentially ruthless, even if the goals we are pursuing are seemingly small and insignificant. Avoid becoming needlessly combative with people who seem to stand in your way. Aim to stay flexible.

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