The Sky Today, December 31, 2023

At 3:53 a.m.: The moon enters Virgo, and the moon void of course ends

In the morning, the moon enters Virgo, exiting its void of course which began last night. Over the next two days, our emotional equilibrium is contingent upon following routines. We are habitual creatures that enjoy structure and become uneasy when forced to go “off book.”  However, from now until just after midnight on the first day of the new year, the moon will be forming a Grand Earth Trine with the Capricorn sun and Jupiter in Taurus. This is a highly auspicious signature for entering 2024! The grand trine is grounded, stable, and resilient. By doing what we know, doing it well, and keeping an eye on our resources, we can invoke the spirit of success and use it to manifest abundance stepping into the new year!

Find out what the cards have in store for you with your 2022 Tarot Reading.

At 8:11 a.m.: Mars is opposite Vesta

After sun-up, Mars opposes asteroid Vesta, suggesting that our direction is at odds with our devotion. While Vesta is in Gemini, we find inspiration by following our curiosity. Exploring informational rabbit holes, having nuanced conversations, and dabbling in different spiritual practices provide our lives with purpose.  However, Mars in Sagittarius prefers that we stick to one path to the exclusion of all others. We might be torn between aligning ourselves with a specific set of beliefs and staying open-minded. We are unsure how to proceed. We are at an impasse. If you are currently at a standstill, you are not alone. Try not to be so rigid in your thinking. There is no way to get your process “wrong.” When you stop applying undue pressure to yourself, the way ahead will become clear!

What does your karmic journey hold? Discover your destiny with our Karma Report. ✨