The Sky Today, December 23, 2021

At 10:39 p.m.: The moon is opposite Jupiter, and the moon void of course begins

Today’s cosmic weather is quiet until the Leo moon opposes Jupiter in Aquarius after nightfall. Following this aspect, the moon falls into a short void lasting until just after midnight, so even if we gravitate towards the social scene, we’ll get more out of solo creative activities now. Occasionally, we can get wrapped up in the allure of exhibitionism, performing for the sake of the group. A desire for fame or clout may trump our pure passion for our craft. It’s great to share what we make with others, but by holding something back for ourselves, we can celebrate our gifts more authentically. It might even be a good time to abstain from social media to avoid comparing our talents to others’!

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At 11:17 p.m.: Saturn is square Uranus

Before midnight, Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus form their third and final square of 2021. This transit also occurred on February 17 and June 24, and these three dates in sequence have created a narrative arc to be used for negotiating structure and freedom over the course of the year. Whether in career, relationships, ethics, or spiritual development, we have been directed to challenge the stagnating influence of complacency and determine how to take full ownership of our lives. However, forcing wholesale change found us met with compounded resistance, and the tension of this square required us to extricate ourselves slowly and deliberately from limiting circumstances. This aspect perfects every 22 years, and so the work we have undertaken in 2021 is momentous. Congratulate yourself for your perseverance and patience!

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