The Sky Today, December 12, 2021

At 6:49 a.m.: Ceres is conjunct the North Node

In the morning, retrograde Ceres aligns with the North Node in Gemini, echoing an aspect made in late August when the asteroid was in direct motion. This connection aligns us with our karmic destiny through healing conversations. In many respects, this influence indicates a time of pruning our awareness to develop a more cogent view of the world we occupy and the relationships we are building. We can cut through the noise of prevailing beliefs, which oftentimes keep us stuck in the past rather than providing the liberation we are seeking. Ceres nurtures our curiosity and demystifies our future by elevating facts and feelings simultaneously. It will be helpful to reflect on what manifested for us at the end of August for comparison.

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At 5:56 a.m.: The moon is conjunct Chiron

In the morning, the moon aligns with Chiron, allowing us to move through pain by fully experiencing it. “Loss” has several interpretations under this aspect. A reminder of past failures can trigger feelings of loss and regret. Yet, if we stay in the present moment and permit ourselves to feel without over-analysis, loss can also come to mean liberation. Identities constructed in the name of perseverance are addictive, and we might be anxious about defining ourselves in a new way. However, moon-Chiron helps to free us from what is holding us back, in part because we are bored of having to constantly tend old wounds.

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