The Sky Today, August 9, 2022

At 1:24 a.m.: The moon is square Jupiter

After midnight, the Capricorn moon squares off with Jupiter in Aries, inspiring us to make weird investment choices. This aspect bears an interesting blend of impracticality and pragmatism, giving us the illusion that all our decisions are sound.  In our desire to set up safety nets, we can hitch our cart to enterprises or benefactors who promise grand results or inspire with a spiritual missive. We probably won’t make irreparable missteps at this time, but if we catch ourselves getting suckered into a merger that seems too good to be true, we should ask why this is the club we want to join.  

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At 3:49 a.m.: The sun is sextile Pallas

In the pre-dawn hours, the Leo sun sextiles Pallas in Gemini, helping us to come up with smart strategies for self-promotion. We may be trying to gain support for a creative aspiration that is near and dear to our hearts. It is important that we sell not only our ideas, but our Selves, to gain a platform for greater expression.  This is an ideal influence to brainstorm tactics involving social media or branding, and it is likely that this will happen organically. In the course of our day, we stumble into a serendipitous modality that helps us communicate our message with greater ease. 

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