The Sky Today, August 9, 2021

At 5:23 a.m.: The moon is opposite Jupiter, and the moon void of course begins

In the morning, the Leo moon opposes Jupiter in Aquarius, making us vulnerable to others’ jealousies. In centering conversations around our own experiences, we can come off as showboat-y. We are entirely naïve to this, unable to see ourselves realistically and believing that we are making friends when we are really attracting people who want to see us knocked off our pedestal. We should be mindful of how we are presenting ourselves as well as the company we are keeping. Perhaps it will be better to put off new introductions until later in the morning, as the moon enters its void following this aspect. We only get one chance to make a first impression, so we might as well hedge our bets.

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At 7:56 a.m.: The moon enters Virgo, and the moon void of course ends

Two and a half hours later, the moon enters Virgo, ending its void of course. Over the next two days, our interests lie in organizing, restructuring, and perfecting our routines. Doing so gives us a feeling of emotional satisfaction, as if we are insulating ourselves from the disorganization and clutter of the outside world. The same attitude that enables us to tackle tedious mundane duties can also make us critical of others’ choices or predispositions. Aim to stay on your own path and let others live their lives—you’ll save more energy this way!

What does your moon sign mean? Learn more about your emotional world with a Moon Sign Reading! 🌙