The Sky Today, August 6, 2021

At 2:17 a.m.: The moon is sextile Venus

In the pre-dawn hours, the Cancer moon forms a pleasant sextile to Venus in Virgo, offering peace and contentment. Many of us will be asleep at this hour, missing out on this transit’s more social effects, yet a general sense of emotional ease and comfort will last into our morning interactions. Following pleasant dreams, we should awaken on the right side of the bed, confident that we can handle whatever is thrown at us. Commit to meeting relational situations with honesty and empathy, as we will need these qualities as the day plays itself out!

What does your karmic journey hold? Discover your destiny with our Karma Report. ✨

At 10:43 a.m.: The moon is trine Neptune

In the late morning, the Cancer moon trines compassionate Neptune in Pisces, stimulating our intuition. This aspect facilitates the creation of proper boundaries while also preventing us from clinging too tightly to our expectations. In this way, we are allowed deeper communion with the imagination, using resulting inspiration to flex our creative muscles on the canvas or page, or in our homes or gardens. We might find that we attract people who need counsel or a shoulder to cry on now, and somehow, we know exactly the right advice to provide, as if we are acting as a receiver for messages delivered from a higher source.

What does your moon sign mean? Learn more about your emotional world with a Moon Sign Reading! 🌙