The Sky Today, August 31, 2022

At 3:43 a.m.: The moon is square Pluto, and the moon void of course begins

In the pre-dawn hours, the Libra moon squares Pluto in Capricorn, kicking the day off on an anxious note. This transit exposes our difficult relationship with authority. We might question why we have sacrificed our peace to people-please or make ourselves palatable to those in charge.  Although we feel taken advantage of, we must grapple with how we’ve put ourselves in this situation for fear of losing our credibility, social status, or upward mobility. Avoid ruminating over past events that you cannot change. Now that the issue has been revealed, we can resolve to do better going forward.  The moon begins its void following this aspect, suggesting that we focus on inner work rather than outer work for the duration of the morning. 

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At 9:37 a.m.: Venus is inconjunct Neptune

After sun-up, Venus in Leo forms a quincunx with Neptune in Pisces, confusing our desire complexes. At this time, the heart wants what the heart wants—but what exactly is that? While Venus is in Leo, a love of Self is exacerbated. We want love to be flashy and showy. We want compliments and praise and attention.  However, Neptune in Pisces is all about transcendent love, free from self-absorbed and often materialistic ego drives. Perhaps we cannot imagine romance that is both spiritual and flashy. Today’s quincunx hints something is lacking, yet fails to define what exactly will satisfy us. Frustrating!

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