The Sky Today, August 25, 2021

At 3:58 a.m.: The moon is sextile Saturn

In the morning, the Aries moon creates a sextile with Saturn in Aquarius, helping us rise to an occasion. While at times our responsibilities might feel stifling, today we want to show the world our stuff! Instead of seeing work or duties as chores, we seek out tasks that allow us to prove our mettle. However, this influence will feel so organic that we may not even realize that we are motivated by the impetus to be taken seriously. Subsequently, we breeze through what is placed in front of us with courage, and find new ways to hack old problems, inspiring others as we seize the day.

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At 8:57 a.m.: The moon is opposite Venus

Later on, the moon opposes Venus in Libra, which finds us angling to impress. The day began seamlessly enough. We were going about our business knowing that respect was due to us if we acted accordingly, however, now we might desire accolades, having potentially gone above and beyond what we would accomplish in a normal day. Others may be appreciative, yet fail to show this in outward gestures, causing us to feel insecure. We might therefore begin to make somewhat of a spectacle of our behavior, under the guise that we will get attention if we lay it on a bit thick. There are a variety of reactions this can generate. Some people may distance themselves, which only makes us try harder to get their approval. We should be mindful that others are likely preoccupied with their own lives and work and are not intentionally snubbing us. Petulance won’t get us the results we seek.

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