The Sky Today, August 24, 2022

At 2:40 a.m.: The moon is sextile Mercury, and the moon void of course begins

In the pre-dawn hours, the Cancer moon sextiles Mercury in Virgo, helping us to communicate with others. We can share our feelings without fear of not being taken seriously for showing emotion. Two underlying motivations, comfort and efficiency, are highlighted now. This might be a time when we are busy handling domestic concerns such as house cleaning, paying bills, or tidying our closets.  The moon then enters a void period lasting until dawn.

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At 2:56 a.m.: Pallas is square Neptune

Shortly following the moon-Mercury sextile, Pallas in Gemini squares Neptune in Pisces, complicating a strategy or gameplan. Although we believe we are having proper conversations and juggling the correct tasks to achieve our goal, something is lost in translation.  Neptune’s influence is agitating. Disoriented in an imaginative haze, we lose the thread of pattern recognition. We might see things that aren’t really there, or read into an interaction improperly, basing our choices on a projection or fabrication. 

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