The Sky Today, August 19, 2021

At 12:59 p.m.: The moon is sextile Neptune

In the afternoon, the Capricorn moon sextiles Neptune in Pisces, offering inspiration and resolve. Because we are strong in our convictions, we believe that anything is possible, and we’re quite possibly right. Gone are the stumbling blocks which, on another day, might prevent us from making progress. In our optimism, we are naïve to the existence of obstacles, and therefore, much less likely to run up against them. Doors open for us. Our intuition guides us towards the ground on which to build solid foundations.

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At 4:59 p.m.: The moon is conjunct Pluto, and the moon void of course begins

In the late afternoon, the moon conjoins Pluto, which might see us behaving irrationally. Strong emotional bonds, with parents or partners, could trigger fear responses that need to be worked through responsibly. We might suddenly become aware that we have buried issues that would benefit from exhuming. Yet, in the immediate, our response is to push problematic feelings or memories down to continue to avoid them. Addictions may be sought out as a distraction, so be mindful of which vices you feel pulled towards today.

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