The Sky Today, August 16, 2022

At 7:48 a.m.: The moon is trine the sun

In the morning, the Aries moon trines the sun in Leo, kicking off the day on an energetic note. This is a great aspect for work or play! It harmonizes our emotional and egoic needs and provides fluid momentum as we go about our daily business. Much of our attention may be focused on creative or physical outlets as we tap the fire sign nature of both luminaries. We easily find channels for self-expression and gain positive feedback for being our authentic selves. 

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At 10:46 a.m.: Mercury is trine Uranus

Late in the morning, Mercury in Virgo trines Uranus in Taurus, attracting us to the unusual. We’re all familiar with the feeling of having something “on the tip of our tongue.” We struggle to recall some bit of information, but it won’t pop into our brain until we relax.  The best way to harness the potential of the Mercury-Uranus trine is to become absorbed in repetitive activity. If we are comfortable going through the motions, sudden intuitive hits will emerge to guide our thoughts and communications.  This connection stimulates our curiosity, allowing us to be more open-minded. It suggests that we take a novel approach or put a unique spin on a routine idea. This is a good aspect for science, technology, or even astrological studies, as a grasp of the basics will propel us towards innovation in our chosen field. 

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