The Sky Today, August 15, 2023

At 09:44 AM: The moon is square Jupiter

After sun-up, the moon squares off with Jupiter in Taurus, provoking excessive behaviors. Under the Leo moon, we want to be acknowledged as our unique, special, shiny selves. We want fans to cheer us on and validate us! And with Jupiter’s influence, we will go to great lengths to impress our audience!  Although outside attention might feed us emotionally, we can also burn ourselves out through overextension and people-pleasing. It may be helpful at this time to consider why we want others’ affection so badly. Do we believe we must perform in order to “earn” love? Are we overcompensating for a lack of confidence? Think about it.  

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At 12:30 PM: Juno enters Leo

After noon, Juno, the goddess asteroid of fidelity and commitment, enters royal Leo. In mythology, Juno is the wife and devoted consort of Zeus, and during this transit, we expect to be worshipped! Love is a regal affair. We demand to be treated as the kings and queens we are! However, this can also be a period when ideas like loyalty and fidelity can be weaponized against those who we perceive as not treating us with respect.  It can be confusing to delineate whether others are truly disrespecting us, or simply not making us the center of their world! Lasting until October 16, Juno’s transit through Leo can be helpful for those of us who typically sell ourselves short. Yet it can also magnify the pride and arrogance of those who already regard themselves as exceptional! 

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