The Sky Today, August 15, 2022

At 3:59 a.m.: The moon is conjunct Jupiter

In the morning, the Aries moon aligns with Jupiter, offering us excitement and enthusiasm to greet the day. We have more energy than normal, committing one hundred percent to whatever enterprise we happen to be involved in.  This aspect also enlivens our inner philanthropist and suggests idealism that may or may not be warranted. We may give too much away when we would be better off conserving it. We also aren’t particularly discriminating in who is the recipient of our generosity.  However, luck will be on our side, allowing us to recoup losses and avoid the potential embarrassment of dolling out good faith donations to the wrong people. Keeping a positive mindset is key to our success. Our attitude is our number one asset.

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At 6:01 p.m.: The moon is conjunct Chiron

In the evening, the moon aligns with Chiron, provoking anxiety. Something occurs to remind us of an old pain point, causing us to identify as someone who is intrinsically broken or undesirable. The more we try to assert ourselves, the more exposed we feel, and the more likely we are to recoil from the notion of emotional vulnerability.  Our best course of action now is to employ the courage to look back into our past and face the original trauma. In doing so, we notice that it is only relevant to our current story because we are giving it credence. The original perpetrators of this trauma have long since moved on with their lives.  It is we who are stuck in a loop because, on some level, we believe their assessment of us. We have let this falsehood take hold of our psyche. Today, we are given an opportunity to take our power back and say, “no more”! 

What does the moon say about your emotional nature? Master your emotions with a Natal Moon Report!