The Sky Today, August 1, 2022

At 11:50 a.m.: The moon is opposite Neptune

The cosmic weather is quiet until before noon, when the Virgo moon opposes Neptune in Pisces, provoking confusion. We are inclined to rationalize situations now, and yet events that transpire defy explanation. The more we seek to make sense of our interactions, the more contradictory they become.  This will prompt some of us to remain in place and avoid making any moves until the proverbial clouds part. For others, we’ll try to bargain with the universe, attempting to nail down agreements while swimming in a cloud of fog. Naturally, it would be better to wait before settling into new routines.

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At 3:29 p.m.: The moon is trine Pluto, and the moon void of course begins

Mid-afternoon, the moon trines Pluto in Capricorn, inspiring self-study. Instead of turning our emotional radar outward, we go inward. This recalibration helps us to make breakthroughs about our character and behaviors. It can even enlighten us as to why we use pattern recognition as a mechanism for safety and security.  An interest in our psychological workings will also make us curious about how others tick. Yet, where our probing might ordinarily be considered intrusive, others welcome our questions now, as they are likely conducting their own personal examinations.  Following this aspect, the moon enters a void period lasting until after nightfall, suggesting we avoid starting new ventures.

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