The Sky Today, August 1, 2021

At 7:08 a.m.: The sun is conjunct Mercury

In the morning, the Leo sun makes its superior conjunction to Mercury, marking an auspicious start to the month! Although our judgement can be temporarily clouded during its perfection, this transit speeds up the pace of our correspondence in invigorating ways, enabling us to advocate for our passions. We may be especially keen on pitching a personal project to the variety of people who cross our path now. It’s currently easier to express ourselves with confidence, and we are less liable to shy away from the spotlight, vocally demanding credit where credit is due.

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At 2:50 p.m.: Mercury is opposite Saturn

In the afternoon, Mercury opposes Saturn in Aquarius, a transit symbolic of alienation. Discussions become serious, revolving around the duties we have to others or to our unfinished work, which naturally prevents us from frittering away the day in idle chatter about our personal desires. The implication that we are too self-centered in our thinking or perhaps “blind to the issues”, can make us defensive. After all, we are under the impression that connecting from a place of authenticity is the surest way to forge respectful relationships. Nevertheless, we might have to contend with unpleasant interactions which cause us to feel shunned or discourage us from saying what is on our minds.

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