What Skiing Over 120 Miles Per Hour Looks Like

Skiing's funny in that many of us, maybe without realizing it, have probably hit near-highway speeds while casually bombing a groomer on the slopes. Seriously. Get one of those apps that tracks your speed -- if you're an intermediate or expert skier, you've likely gone somewhere between 40 to 60 miles per hour on skis.

While fast, those speeds are nothing compared to what Finnish skier Tarja Mulari accomplished in 1992. That year, Mulari hit a whopping 219 kilometers per hour on skis or 136 miles per hour.

Here's her run.

Shockingly, this isn't the fastest someone's ever gone on skis. The current world record holder is Frenchman Simon Billy, who, in 2023, hit 158 miles per hour.

Here's Billy's record-breaking run.

Speed skiing, as you might've noticed, is a bit of an odd duck in snowsports. It requires highly specific gear -- like those hilarious Darth Vader-like helmets -- and doesn't involve much (read: none) in the way of turning or maneuvering. You kind of just stand there in a tuck and point them downhill.

It makes me wonder: what sets one-speed skier apart from another? Is it fearlessness? I'd assume so -- speed skiing crashes take no prisoners.

Personally, I think I'll stick to my occasional, much more inviting casual groomer straight line. Sure, I like going fast as much as the next person, but not enough to risk my life while cosplaying as Darth Vader meets Catwoman.

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