Skiing + Hang Gliding Might've Been The Most Dangerous Sport Combo Ever

Skiing is dangerous. So is flying through the air on a glider without a helmet.

You'd think combining these two activities into an extra-dangerous smorgasbord of adrenaline would turn off even the most intrepid daredevil. You'd also be wrong.

Enter Jeff Gilby, skier and Warren Miller Entertainment muse, who, in the 1970s, took a casual spin through Sun Valley, Idaho, on a hang glider while wearing skis—no helmets required. Check out this video from Warren Miller's Any Snow Any Mountain featuring Gilby's aerial antics below.

A "bit bold" isn't the half of it. This iteration of aerial sports combined with skiing is so outrageous that it's borderline laughable from a contemporary standpoint.

Modern speed riders -- participants in a sport that combines skiing with paragliding -- always use harnesses, helmets, and a bevy of other safety equipment. Even still, what they do is far outside a normal person's realm of risk tolerance.

In contrast, Gilby appears to have two comparatively failable safety precautions in place: a little seat made from webbing and the strength of his hands.

I have to admit, when viewed in hindsight, his antics look stupid to the point that you have to wonder if Gilby had a death wish.

But that stance disregards the positive side of the equation. With his janky 1970s-era gear, Gilby was trailblazing a new path into the skies while bringing his skis along for the ride.

In my opinion, he walked so athletes like Valentin Delluc, of speedriding fame, could run. And Gilby probably had a lot of fun in the process, proving without a shadow of a doubt that people in the 1970s were, indeed, built different.

Before I leave you, here's a clip of Delluc showcasing what Gilby's innovations would eventually become.

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