What It's Like Skiing Across A Massive Suspension Bridge At Tyrol, Austria's Third Largest Ski Resort

Near the ski resort town of Ischgl, Austria, stands two massive suspension bridges.

While these behemoths are probably best accessed in the summer, halfpipe skier Marco Ladner opted to check one out with his skis during the winter.

The ski resort where these bridges are located is called Silvretta Arena, a massive cross-border complex connected to the towns of Ischgl and Samnaun, Switzerland. Despite the Silvretta Arena name, it's called "Ischgl" on the Austria side. With the Samnaun connection, Silvretta Arena is the third-largest ski resort in Tyrol, Austria.

So far this season, Ischgl has picked up nearly five feet of snow in its summit area, further establishing the disparity between North America and Europe this season. I wouldn't assume you have the flexibility to drop whatever you're doing and plan a European ski trip, but this would probably be the season to do it of all seasons for those powder-starved North Americans among us. I would if I could.

As for skiing across the suspension bridge, I'm not sure it's for me. I do reasonably well with heights and imagine I could handle a suspension bridge sans snow, but the idea of crossing one with two slippery sticks strapped to my feet? I don't know that I could stomach that.

Ripping back and forth between Switzerland and Austria, though? You can count me in.

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