Skiers Hit BC's Rogers Pass In Early-Season Conditions

Footage just surfaced of people skiing the STS Couloir in November. Yes, one day ago, two people recorded their ascent and descent of the ski touring route in BC.

The creator, a talented and ballsy underground skier, Ben Soneff, wrote "not many options for skiing in Rogers pass this November. Headed up to STS for my buddy Mat's first turns of the year."

The video opens with footage of the skiers skinning up the mountain through what looks like fresh, although somewhat sparse, snow at Roger's Pass in British Columbia.

Roger's Pass is part of BC's extensive backcountry, and is often associated with deep powder and long, steep runs.

Avalanches are a real risk, so many people hire Revelstoke backcountry guides to take them beyond the resort.

Revelstoke is the nearest lodging area, and it is an hour away. The driving is also pretty gnarly. My family went through Revelstoke using my uncle's car, and came back with a gnarly crack in the windshield. Some of those rocks on the road are no joke... sorry, man!

Roger's Pass is part of the Winter Permit System, so in order to ski it, you need to obtain a permit from Roger's Pass Discovery Centre. You also need a national park pass from Glacier National Park.

Then you have to make sure the area you want to check out is open. Luckily, there's an app for that.

Located in Glacier National Park, Canada, the 700-meter north-facing couloir from the Cheops West Ridge is an extreme line, let alone in conditions like those seen here with rocks poking up and a bony exterior for the mountain.

STS Couloir is 46 degrees. That is steep. For context, Corbet's Couloir in Jackson Hole is somewhere around 40 degrees.

Check out Corbet's Couloir for context below.

The STS Couloir route, up and down, usually takes around 5 or 6 hours to complete, because of how much uphill has to be dealt with to enjoy the steep descent.

The creator addressed this, writing, "variable snow kept us from opening things up but it was a nice start to skiing bigger lines this season. Hopefully more to come!"

We can't wait to see it.

Related: After 8 Year Wait, Skiers Score First Descent in Rogers Pass

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