Skiers Express Concerns As Smoke Billows Out Of Argentine Ski Lift

Argentine skiers recently encountered an unusual scene at a ski resort chairlift. Large clouds of smoke, allegedly from a spare diesel generator, were billowing out of the bottom terminal lift.

The incident took place on Saturday, August 5th around 2PM local time at Cerro Chapelco, a popular ski resort in the Andes Mountains of Argentina.

Watch the video below:

According to Argentine news outlet Rio Negro, the lift was using a backup generator to safely remove skiers and snowboarders that were stuck on the lift when the main power source failed.

The resort told Rio Negro that the lift was experiencing an electrical problem, and that it's completely normal for the backup diesel generator to produce smoke.

There have been no further updates on the lift's status.

Cerro Chapelco is the third-largest ski resort in Argentina by total length of its slopes. It comes behind Catedral Alta Patagonia and Las Leñas, both popular destinations for locals and international tourists alike.

Argentine ski resorts are typically open from June-September with some exception.

Keep reading for more information about Cerro Chapelco:

Cerro Chapelco Trail Map
Cerro Chapelco Trail Map

Cerro Chapelco Stats/Info

Vertical: 2,345 ft.

Total Piste Length: 35km 

Average Snowfall: N/A

Lifts: 13

Trails: N/A

Snowmaking: YES

Night Skiing: NO

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