Skiers Embark On Epic Summer Bike Ride From SLC To Alta

Skiers who also bike, this one's for you.

Watch as sponsored skier Drew Gilmore makes an epic journey from Salt Lake City, Utah, via bike to make backcountry turns at Alta.

Oh, baby. That's a huck. This past season I got winded on some casual four-mile tours. I can't imagine waking up at the crack of dawn to bike 26 miles to Alta from SLC, climb to the top of Mt. Baldy, ski down, and then bike another 26 miles home.

Drew Gilmore reports that the human-powered trip was 52 miles long and entailed 8,000 vertical feet of climbing. Here's what Drew consumed to power the journey and make up for countless burned calories:

"Egg burrito, banana, Clif gummies, sour gummy worms, water, redbull, Gatorade, PB&Js, turkey sandwich, @offsetbier beer, burger, and more beer."

Drew signed off the Instagram post with a fitting message: "Do epic sh*t with friends!" Epic, indeed.

SLC has earned a well-deserved title as an action and adventure sports mecca, facilitating endeavors like the one you just watched through its proximity to the mountains.

Unprecedented access, of course, comes with a cost. Due in part to its burgeoning population of winter sports enthusiasts, SLC is struggling to manage traffic on the roads that access popular resorts like Alta, Snowbird, Brighton, and Solitude. One proposed solution is the controversial Little Cottonwood Canyon gondola.

Sure, traffic and long lift lines suck, but I think it's a reasonable price to pay for having some of the best North American mountains in your backyard. And, with luck, SLC will figure out how to mitigate the crowds in the coming years.

For more skiing and peak summitting shenanigans, give Drew Gilmore's Instagram page a look.

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