Skiers Elated To Slide On Snow In 90 Degree Weather

Killington, Vermont ended the east coast ski season with one final day of snow sliding on Thursday, June 1st, 2023. Despite what you might think, hundreds of skiers were elated to ski in 90 degree temps.

Check out the video below posted by Ski The East from closing day at Killington:

Caption by Ski The East: "When it's June 1st and you're still skiing... Who else made it out for @KillingtonMtn closing day? ⛷️ : @jakecousteau_"

Looks like Mr. Cousteau (the skier) had a grand time out there wearing shorts and using a pair of vintage straight skis.

Ya know, the way you're supposed to ski on June 1st in Vermont.

Killington was the last resort open and now the ski season is officially over in the east. It's a sad day, but there will plenty of snow next year (hopefully....!).

Time to dust off the bike, shoot some WD-40 into your skateboard bearings, or break out the trail running shoes. Summer is here.

Cheers to another challenging, but fun, east coast ski season!

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